Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ready for Battle !!!

James 1:22 (American Standard Version)

But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deluding your own selves.

You are in Spiritual battle every day you awaken on this earth; in the midst of a battle there is no time to waver. The devils plan is to take you out and put you under, He will succeed if you walk into the battle saying "Well I don't know if I should go this way, or maybe I should go that way" 

Indecision in itself is a choice. Sooner or later your time for decision will run out.
Make a decision today that will serve you the rest of your life. Make a decision not to be a hearer only, but a doer of the Word. 

O lord, I hide thy word in my heart,knowing 
that you will guide, direct my path in a way 
of righteousness and truth, instruct me in thy 
word. O lord.. amen...

From Daily Breakthroughs !!!