Wednesday, October 26, 2011

"All the rivers run into the sea"

Today is my last day of sharing in all pages and blogs,  because I want to be obedient to the Lord God and He is taking me in to a new direction and I strongly believe that He is preparing my place of residence, until HE ( the Lord) give me a new instructions.
I will be driving from Los Angeles California to Florida.
 I'll be out of the blogs and pages for about 10 days, depending on how long takes the new internet company to connect me,  but I did a lot of postings and you can find them in the ARCHIVE, please visit and enjoy it, the Lord speaks to us, no matter how old are the postings, the proof is the Bible written many, many years ago, and still fresh at the time God want to use it, for the encouragement of our life's.. I hope to continue soon. 

"All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again."—Ecclesiastes 1:7.
EVERYTHING sublunary is on the move, time knows nothing of rest.

 The solid earth is a rolling ball, and the great sun himself a star obediently fulfilling its course around some greater luminary. 

Tides move the sea, winds stir the airy ocean, friction wears the rock: change and death rule everywhere. 

The sea is not a miser's storehouse for a wealth of waters, for as by one force the waters flow into it, by another they are lifted from it.

 Men are born but to die: everything is hurry, worry, and vexation of spirit.

 Friend of the unchanging Jesus, what a joy it is to reflect upon thy changeless heritage; thy sea of bliss which will be for ever full, since God Himself shall pour eternal rivers of pleasure into it. 

We seek an abiding city beyond the skies, and we shall not be disappointed.
 The passage before us may well teach us gratitude. 

Father Ocean is a great receiver, but he is a generous distributor. 
What the rivers bring him he returns to the earth in the form of clouds and rain.

 That man is out of joint with the universe who takes all but makes no return. 
To give to others is but sowing seed for ourselves. 

He who is so good a steward as to be willing to use his substance for his Lord, shall be entrusted with more. 

Friend of Jesus, art thou rendering to Him according to the benefit received? 
Much has been given thee, what is thy fruit? Hast thou done all? Canst thou not do more? To be selfish is to be wicked.

 Suppose the ocean gave up none of its watery treasure, it would bring ruin upon our race. 

God forbid that any of us should follow the ungenerous and destructive policy of living unto ourselves. 
Jesus pleased not Himself. 
All fulness dwells in Him, but of His fulness have all we received.

 O for Jesu's spirit, that henceforth we may live not unto ourselves!
C. H. Spurgeon
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This resource was produced 
Before 1923 
and therefore is considered in the 
"Public Domain".
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