Saturday, October 8, 2011

He takes away the hunger of the heart !!!

He takes away the hunger of the heart !!!

Faith saves us just as the mouth saves from hunger.
If we be hungry, bread is the real cure for hunger, but still it would be right to say that eating removes hunger, seeing that the bread itself could not benefit us, 
unless the mouth should eat it.

 Faith is the soul’s mouth, whereby the hunger of the heart is removed.
 Christ also is the brazen serpent lifted up; all the healing virtue is in him; 
yet no healing virtue comes out of the brazen serpent to any who will not look; 
so that the looking is rightly considered to be the act which saves. 

True, in the deepest sense it is Christ uplifted who saves, to him be all the glory;
 but without looking to him ye cannot be saved, so that 
“There is life in a look,” 
as well as life in the Savior to whom you look. 

Nothing is yours until you appropriate it. 
From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "Saving Faith," delivered March 15, 1874.

C. H. Spurgeon
Copyright Statement 
This resource was produced 
Before 1923 
and therefore is considered in the 
"Public Domain".
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