Tuesday, October 15, 2013



“Unstable as water, thou shalt not excel.” 
Genesis 49:4

Suggested Further Reading:
 2 Peter 3:14-18

Who are these unstable ones? When they were boys they could never complete a game; they must always be having something fresh; and now they are just as childish as when they were children.

Look at them in doctrine: you never know where to find them.

You meet them one day, and they are very full of some super doctrine; they have been to some strong Calvinist place, and nothing will suit them except the very highest doctrine, and that must be spiced with a little of the gall of bitterness, or they cannot think it is the genuine thing.

Very likely next week they will be Arminians; they will give up all idea of a fixed fate, and talk of free-will, and man’s responsibility like the most earnest Primitive Methodist.

Then they steer another way. “Nothing is right but the Church of England. Is it not established by law? Ought not every Christian to go to his parish church?” Let them alone; they will be at the most schismatical shop in the metropolis before long.

Or if they do not change their denomination they are always changing their minister. A new minister starts up; there is no one, since the apostles, like him; they take a seat and join the church; he is everything to them. In three months they have done with him; another minister rises up some distance off, and these people are not particular how far they walk; so they go to hear him.

 He is the great man of the age; he will see every man’s candle out, and his will burn on.
But a little trouble comes on the church, and they leave him. They have no attachment to anything; they are merely feathers in the wind, or corks on the wave.

For meditation:

Do you recognise yourself here? If not, guard your own stability carefully.
But if you do, realise that we are not supposed to remain babes in Christ,
but are to grow up (Ephesians 4:14,15).
Perhaps you are not sure whether Spurgeon is describing you; one question may help you decide—who has the rule over you? (Hebrews 13:7,17).

Sermon no. 158
11 October (1857)


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“The true minister of Christ knows that the true value of a sermon must lie, 
not in its fashion and manner, 
but in the truth which it contains.”
 ~ C. H. Spurgeon ~
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Reflection and inspiration from the "Prince of Preachers," Charles Haddon Spurgeon. 
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